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    A dropdown button that can be used to open a dropdown menu when clicked.


    Simple dropdown button

    This creates a dropdown button that shows a button Menu Button when clicked.

        "type": "dropdownButton",
        "text": "Simple",
        "child": {
            "type": "button",
            "text": "Menu Button",
            "mainStyle": "secondary",
            "onPressed": {"code": "doSomething"},

    Disabled dropdown button

    This creates a disabled dropdownButton, this means that it cannot be opened. The child property is still necessary even though it is impossible to show it.

        "type": "dropdownButton",
        "text": "Disabled dropdown",
        "disabled": true,
        "child": {
            "type": "text",
            "value": "Mandatory child",

    Sized and styled dropdown button

    The dropdown button has different sizes and styles that can be selected as shown below.

        "type": "dropdownButton",
        "text": "Sized dropdown",
        "size": "large",
        "mainStyle": "tertiary",
        "child": {
            "type": "text",
            "value": "Mandatory child",

    Dropdown button with icon

    If your field need some polish, you can add an icon to it easily. Just look at the material design icons to find the one you need.

        "type": "dropdownButton",
        "text": "Dropdown button with icon",
        "icon": {
            "type": "icon",
            "value": "yard_sharp"
        "child": {
            "type": "text",
            "value": "foo",


    _typeThe identifier of the component
    • dropdownButton
    childAny componentComponent
    textThe text of the dropdown buttonstring
    disabledIf true, the dropdown button is disabledboolean
    iconThe Icon to useIcon
    mainStyleThe style to use, the component will be changed according to the theme.string
    • primary
    • secondary
    • tertiary
    sizeThe size to use, the component will be sized according to the value.string
    • medium
    • small
    • large